Call Me

I have a friend named James who is an ex pro football player. James is very interesting and always seems to have some type of project in the works. Whenever I first mention him to one of my other friends, the first thing out of their mouth is; "Is James black?". Even my black friends … Continue reading Call Me

Annual Press

Yesterday I went for a routine mammogram. I was very nervous as I had a lumpectomy and radiation a couple of years ago. As the tech is doing the scan, I keep hearing she’s very creative and does crafts. She will eventually have a side gig for her craft outlet. The tech, although, very nice, … Continue reading Annual Press

No More Door To Door

One good thing about the weather getting colder is that Jehovah witnesses are now sending handwritten letters instead of knocking on doors. I just received one with a return address from a local PO Box. It contained a lovely invitation to discuss their God. Hmmm …..Handwritten? A strange male that knows my name and address? … Continue reading No More Door To Door